I can't stop thinking about the camp. About all the stuff the speaker said. Stuff that sent my mind reeling and thinking. Stuff that challenged me to be a so-called better person, a better friend, a better christian. During one of the talks, he mentioned something about worship. Do we really mean it when we sing songs of worship, of praise and adoration? Do we ponder on the lyrics of the song, making sure that the worship is really meaningful worship, and not just empty singing ? Can we walk the talk? ( I mean singing lah)
Take a look at the bridge of the song Hosanna by Hillsongs:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things I see
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I have for Your kingdom come
As I walk from earth into eternity
Such a nice song, with powerful and strong lyrics. Lately, I have been wondering, when I sing this song, do I really mean what I sing? Do I have such strong faith to be able to say that "Lord, break my heart for what breaks Yours"? Can I endure the pain, shame, abuses, agony that Jesus went through for me? "Everything I have for Your kingdom come". Am I ready to sacrifice all I have now, to God? Am I ready to give up all my posessions, things that I treasure so much? Am I ready to give up my life for Him?
Another song by Hillsongs, it's called Everyday :
It's You I live for
I follow after You
I walk with You my Lord
It's You I live for everyday (x3)
It's quite obvious, isn't it? "It's You I live for everyday". A simple statement, but soooo hard to follow. God remembers everything we say. Everyday, every moment, every single thing we do, do we put God in the picture? Do we glorify God in our actions, thoughts, talks? When we fail to do something, ok maybe not we, but I, silently curse in my heart. Is my life pleasing to God? Susah sangat.
Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to restrict worship. I'm not saying that the song is bad. In fact, the song is good. (Hillsongs wei!!) I'm not trying to judge people too. If I were to judge, I would judge myself, because I have so many flaws. But the point that I'm trying to justify is, when we sing these songs, I feel that we must understand the true essence of the song, to put this worship to action. If we keep singing blankly without really applying it, what good does it do to us? Isn't our worship an empty one?
Aaah, headache already.
(If I offended anyone here, I sincerely apologise. It was never my intention to do so. I'm just trying to express my views since I have a blog!)
Good men
6 years ago
we all started with deep posts...you are now one of them...
i dint kno u hav a blog huh..
break my heart for what breaks yours,
everything I am for your kingdom's cause
eh since when i deleted a comment...
You introvert meh =P
jan : yes i have a blog just started only.
lara: ???????
jo: lalala
smelly cow: haha yes i am.
matt got blog?
okay i am asking stupid question..
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