Ah. The pain that I have to bear everyday. What's happening to my shoulders/scapula/ligaments/ tendons/synovial fluid/synovial membrane/cartilage?? (ok not too much bio here)
Maybe it was because of the guitar playing while in form 4. Back then I did not really care about the pain, thought that it would go away some time somehow. But then almost 2 years had passed by now. AND the last time I touched that guitar was hmm.. 6 months ago? THIS SUCKS! Every morning I feel as if I've aged 5 years. (Wah so drama) But it's true. Sometimes the pain is unbearable. Some Very Rude Friend Of Mine (haha) recommended that I went to a chiropracter. (how to spell?) But sorry, i'm not that rich. I bet the fellar would be surprised to see a 17 year old person needing some massage.
Oh NO! How can I continue playing guitar after SPM? How can I write for hours during exams? Even writing brings in the pain sometimes. How can I exercise, do push-ups chin-ups sit-ups ???
(The dream of every guy to build some muscle to show off to some girls to catch their attention to get their numbers to bla bla bla.. )
The future looks bleak for me. O.O
Good men
6 years ago
eh how come we didnt know this? wah so drama one la
who is that rude fren who gav you that brilliant idea???? :) nvm la play guitar while sitting down...
play guitar during exams, serenade the invigilators and make them excuse you from the fail batch.
don't be stubborn and tell your parents. Ask them to being you to the chiropractor.
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