Ah. The pain that I have to bear everyday. What's happening to my shoulders/scapula/ligaments/ tendons/synovial fluid/synovial membrane/cartilage?? (ok not too much bio here)
Maybe it was because of the guitar playing while in form 4. Back then I did not really care about the pain, thought that it would go away some time somehow. But then almost 2 years had passed by now. AND the last time I touched that guitar was hmm.. 6 months ago? THIS SUCKS! Every morning I feel as if I've aged 5 years. (Wah so drama) But it's true. Sometimes the pain is unbearable. Some Very Rude Friend Of Mine (haha) recommended that I went to a chiropracter. (how to spell?) But sorry, i'm not that rich. I bet the fellar would be surprised to see a 17 year old person needing some massage.
Oh NO! How can I continue playing guitar after SPM? How can I write for hours during exams? Even writing brings in the pain sometimes. How can I exercise, do push-ups chin-ups sit-ups ???
(The dream of every guy to build some muscle to show off to some girls to catch their attention to get their numbers to bla bla bla.. )
The future looks bleak for me. O.O
Good men
5 years ago